Summer 2025 Registration is open! Register Now!

Bring Camp to YOUR Community

Day Camp On Location

Interest Form Below

Everything you need to take your summer ministry to an incredible new level! So that you can focus on what’s important: relationships and outreach.


Interest form located at the bottom of the page

What We Bring

  • A 60 year heritage of Christian camping
  • In-depth knowledge of and experience with youth ministry
  • Over 10 years of experience in a number of regions with a myriad of churches and organizations
  • All activities, equipment, materials and curriculum for a 5-day program
  • Up to 18 staff
  • Promotional materials along with marketing support
  • Online registration and informational webpage for parents and volunteers
  • Dedicated program manager eager and available to connect with, encourage, and support the Host Partner on a consistent basis in the months leading up to camp and throughout the camp week

What You Bring

  • Knowledge of your community and how to best relate to them
  • A launching pad for a relational outreach program
  • Congregation/community members willing to reach out and invite people in
  • A desire to build cross-cultural relationships and to offer scholarships to support the under-served kids in your area


    • In the event that camper enrollment is less than 100 at the onset of camp, the Host Partner is financially responsible to cover the cost of unfulfilled camper spots (i.e. if enrollment is 95, Host Partner agrees to pay for 5 camper spots x $275 = $1,375).
  • Liability Insurance
    • Minimum of $1,000,000 per occurence and $2,000,000 aggregate comprehensive general liability insurance, sexual acts coverage, and workers’ compensation insurance for its respective employees.
    • Volunteer roles include Check-in, Check-out, lunch preparation, and medical volunteers.
    • Host Homes will provide seven nights of sleeping accommodations, seven breakfasts, one lunch, and four dinners for the staff assigned to their home.
    • Facility must have accessible power, water, bathrooms, and large room for all camp meeting space.
    • Provide lunch on Sunday for up to 18 Eagle Lake staff. Provide lunch on Monday-Friday for Eagle Lake staff and dinner on Wednesday and Friday for Eagle Lake staff.



Contagious Fun

We’re taking fun to the next level! Our camps are more than just fun – they are contagious, never-ending fun that kids can’t get enough of! The kind of fun that parents can experience, see and hear in their own child’s stories each day after camp.

Community Impact

Eagle Lake On Location is a catalyst for ministry growth. We partner with you to further the Kingdom through a powerful outreach tool that plants seeds of growth in your church body and surrounding community. By providing an exciting summer camp experience at your church, you have new opportunities to reach the lost and under-served families in your community.

Exceptional Ministry

Eagle Lake Day Camp On Location enables you to build personal relationships with kids through shared, meaningful experiences. Our counselors are trained and passionate to share Jesus and inspire Christ-centered love and commitment by meeting each one of your kids right where they’re at spiritually.


Your time and ministry are our priority. Our proven, turn-key programs and highly-trained staff provide everything you need to deliver an exceptionally run, memorable camp experience. We take care of the details so you can focus on the people rather than the planning.


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Are you interested in bringing Eagle Lake to your community?

Courtney Sabo

Day Camp Operations Director





What you need to know

No! We ask that host homes pick up counselors on Saturday and take them to church on Sunday morning, but other than that we have vans to use for transportation throughout the week. If you happen to drive past the church on your way to work and want to take them, that would be great but it is not required!

Yes, we encourage that!

Full Time staff members may be contacted through our main number, 1-800-US-EAGLE (873-2453) or by their e-mail address listed on the Leadership page.

Eagle Lake On Location: Our ratios depend on the amount of campers at each location, but is typically around 7 to 1.

Our staff really enjoy getting to be part of host homes! For some families, this means taking counselors to their favorite ice cream shop. For others, this means asking counselors to be apart of family game night. After a long, full day of high energy campers they do need their rest though, and we encourage them to have an early bed time!

Counselors are up pretty early! They’ll need to be at the church around 7 am each morning. Generally, they will return to their host homes by 5:30 pm.