(REZ)ident Camp Activity Waitlist | https://eaglelakecamps.com/rezident-camp-activity-waitlist/ | publish | page |
About | https://eaglelakecamps.com/about/ | publish | page |
Become a Host Partner | https://eaglelakecamps.com/becomeahostpartner/ | publish | page |
Blog | https://eaglelakecamps.com/blog/ | publish | page |
Campership | https://eaglelakecamps.com/campership/ | publish | page |
Care Packages | https://eaglelakecamps.com/care-packages/ | publish | page |
Colorado Springs Day Camp Host Homes | https://eaglelakecamps.com/colorado-springs-day-camps-host-homes/ | publish | page |
Contact Us | https://eaglelakecamps.com/contact-us/ | publish | page |
Counselor Referral | https://eaglelakecamps.com/counselor-referral/ | publish | page |
Crew | https://eaglelakecamps.com/overnight-camps/crew/ | publish | page |
Crew On Location | https://eaglelakecamps.com/crew-on-location/ | publish | page |
Day Camp at Glen Eyrie Crew Application | https://eaglelakecamps.com/https-docs-google-com-forms-d-1xnc4fxmu28cm4fh1j-vitdcp0eylvmgazeb3zxwo-u0-editresponses/ | publish | page |
Day Camp On Location Referral Discount | https://eaglelakecamps.com/discount/ | publish | page |
Day Camp On Location Volunteer Information | https://eaglelakecamps.com/volunteer/ | publish | page |
Day Camps | https://eaglelakecamps.com/day-camps/ | publish | page |
Donate | https://eaglelakecamps.com/donate/ | publish | page |
Emerging Leaders Program | https://eaglelakecamps.com/elp/ | publish | page |
EpiPen Policy – Overnight | https://eaglelakecamps.com/epipen-policy-overnight/ | publish | page |
EpiPen Policy (DCGE) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/epi-pen-policy-dcge/ | publish | page |
Excursions Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/overnight-camps/excursion-camp/ | publish | page |
FAQ | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faq/ | publish | page |
Grace Church of the Roaring Fork Valley Referral Discount | https://eaglelakecamps.com/gcrfv-referral-discount/ | publish | page |
Groups Inquiry | https://eaglelakecamps.com/groups/ | publish | page |
Home | https://eaglelakecamps.com/ | publish | page |
Protected: Host Partners | https://eaglelakecamps.com/hostpartner/ | publish | page |
Jobs – new | https://eaglelakecamps.com/jobs/ | publish | page |
KBIQ Referral Redirect | https://eaglelakecamps.com/kbiq/ | publish | page |
Maps & Directions | https://eaglelakecamps.com/directions/ | publish | page |
Overnight Camps | https://eaglelakecamps.com/overnight-camps/ | publish | page |
Partnership Form – 2025 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/partnership/ | publish | page |
Privacy Policy | https://eaglelakecamps.com/privacy-policy/ | publish | page |
Promo Examples | https://eaglelakecamps.com/promo-examples/ | publish | page |
Referral Program | https://eaglelakecamps.com/referral-program/ | publish | page |
Relevant Redirect | https://eaglelakecamps.com/relevant/ | publish | page |
Send Your Senior to Be a Counselor | https://eaglelakecamps.com/send-your-senior-to-be-a-counselor/ | publish | page |
Sitemap | https://eaglelakecamps.com/sitemap/ | publish | page |
Spotify Redirect | https://eaglelakecamps.com/spotify/ | publish | page |
Summer Schedule | https://eaglelakecamps.com/summer-schedule/ | publish | page |
Sunday Morning Visitors | https://eaglelakecamps.com/guest/ | publish | page |
Top 3 Things DCGE | https://eaglelakecamps.com/top-3-things-dcge/ | publish | page |
Top 3 Things for Overnight Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/top-3-things-for-overnight-camp/ | publish | page |
TPO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/tpo/ | publish | page |
Updated Medications Policy | https://eaglelakecamps.com/updated-medications-policy/ | publish | page |
*NEW* EpiPen Policy | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/new-epipen-policy/ | publish | post |
3 Lessons I learned at Eagle Lake Camps | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/3-lessons-i-learned-at-eagle-lake-camps/ | publish | post |
At Camp and Anywhere: God Values Me, I Can Rely on Him. | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/at-camp-and-anywhere-god-values-me-i-can-rely-on-him/ | publish | post |
At Summer Camp I Got To Be Loved And Love Others | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/at-summer-camp-i-got-to-be-loved-and-love-others/ | publish | post |
At Summer Camp I Learned God and His People are the Most Important | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/at-summer-camp-i-learned-god-and-his-people-are-the-most-important/ | publish | post |
At Summer Camp I Learned How to Disciple and Be Discipled | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/at-summer-camp-i-learned-how-to-disciple-and-be-discipled/ | publish | post |
At Summer Camp I Learned How To Love and Be Loved. | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/at-summer-camp-i-learned-3-ways-god-loves-me/ | publish | post |
At Summer Camp I Learned The Simple Gospel | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/at-summer-camp-i-learned-the-simple-gospel/ | publish | post |
At Summer Camp I Learned To Meet People Where They Are At. | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/at-summer-camp-i-learned-to-meet-people-where-they-are-at/ | publish | post |
At Summer Camp I Learned Where My Voice Came From | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/at-summer-camp-i-learned-where-my-voice-came-from/ | publish | post |
At Summer Camp, We Go To Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/at-summer-camp-we-go-to-church/ | publish | post |
Camp Was Never About Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/camp-was-never-about-camp/ | publish | post |
How Did We Get Here? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/how-did-we-get-here/ | publish | post |
How God uses Camp to Build Our Faithfulness | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-train-us-faithfulness/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to CREATE MARGIN | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-create-margin/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to CULTIVATE PERSEVERANCE | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-cultivate-perseverance/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to IMPACT Generations | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-impact-generations/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to Meet Us in the Little Moments | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-meet-us-little-moments/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to REDEEM Our Stories | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/how-god-uses-camp-to-redeem/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to REJUVENATE Our Spirits | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/how-god-uses-camp-to-rejuvenate/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to REMIND Us of His Character | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-remind-us-character/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to Renew our Spirits | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-renew-spirits/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to RESTORE Our Souls | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/how-god-uses-camp-to-restore/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to SHOW Us His FAMILY | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-show-us-family/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to SHOWER Us With His LOVE | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-shower-us-love/ | publish | post |
How God Uses Camp to Speak Tenderly to Our Hearts | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-uses-camp-speak-tenderly-hearts/ | publish | post |
Is An Overnight Summer Camp Really the Best Choice for Your Child’s Summer? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/overnight-summer-camp-really-best-choice-childs-summer/ | publish | post |
Is Camp REALLY Worth THAT?! | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/camp-really-worth/ | publish | post |
Roger That: 3 Ways to Check Your Christian Living | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/roger-that-3-ways-to-check-your-christian-living/ | publish | post |
Roger That: 4 Benefits to Overlooking an Offense | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/roger-that-4-benefits-to-overlooking-an-offense/ | publish | post |
Roger That: Five Smooth Stones | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/roger-that-five-smooth-stones/ | publish | post |
Roger That: God Stinks at Math! | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/roger-that-god-stinks-at-math/ | publish | post |
Roger That: God’s Peculiar People | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/roger-that-are-gods-people-peculiar/ | publish | post |
Roger That: Is Serving Others Refreshing to You? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/roger-that-is-serving-others-refreshing-you/ | publish | post |
Roger That: The Big Rock of Discipleship | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/roger-that-the-big-rock-of-discipleship/ | publish | post |
Roger That: Why In The World Would God Use Me? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/roger-that/ | publish | post |
Summer of 1972 Changed My Life | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/summer-of-1972-changed-my-life/ | publish | post |
The THRILL Of Hope | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/the-thrill-of-hope/ | publish | post |
When God Serves Humble Pie | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/god-serves-humble-pie/ | publish | post |
Who Am I? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/who-am-i-a-story-of-self-discovery-at-camp/ | publish | post |
Why Camp Is the Way to GROW | https://eaglelakecamps.com/article/camp-way-grow/ | publish | post |
(REZ)ident Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/rezident-camp/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Arvada Covenant Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/arvadacovenant/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Ascent (ages 11 – 14) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/11-14/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Base Camp (ages 8 – 11) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/8-11/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Boulder Valley Christian Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/bouldervalley/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Briarcliff Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/briarcliffchurch/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Canyons Community Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/canyons/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Cornerstone Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/cornerstone/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Counselor in Training (CIT) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/counselor-in-training-program/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Crestview Christian Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/crestviewchristian/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Crew at Glen Eyrie | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/crew-at-gleneyrie/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Day Camp at Glen Eyrie | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/glen-eyrie-day-camp/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Day Camp at The Club at Flying Horse | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/day-camp-at-flying-horse/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Excursions 1 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/excursions-1/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Excursions 2 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/excursions-2/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Excursions 3 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/excursions-3/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Excursions 4 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/excursions-4/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Faith Community Lutheran Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/faithcommunity/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Family Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/family-camp/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
First UMC Blue Springs | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/firstbluesprings/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
First UMC Kennett | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/1stumckennett/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
First UMC Rolla | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/firstumcrolla/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Highlands (ages 14 – 17) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/14-17/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Kitchen | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/kitchen/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
La Croix Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/lacroixchurch/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
LifeSpring Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/lifespring/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Mile High Academy | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/milehighacademy/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
New McKendree UMC – South Campus | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/newmckendree/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Parent + Teen Trek | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/parent-teen-trek/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Platt Park Neighborhood | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/plattpark/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Revive Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/revive/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Rock Port UMC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/rockport/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Rocky Mountain Challenge | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/rocky-mountain-challenge/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Service Crew | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/service/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Shoal Creek Community Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/shoalcreekchurch/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
South Fellowship Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/southfellowship/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
The Church at Osage Hills | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/osagehills/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
The River at Eureka | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/theriver/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
The Vail Church | https://eaglelakecamps.com/camp/thevailchurch/ | publish | elc_post_camps |
Aleigh – Jobs page | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/aleigh-jobs-page/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Aliegh – Jobs | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/jobs/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Amy – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/amy-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Amy – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/amy-mo-2/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Angela – DC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/angela-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Angela – Rocky, CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/angela-rocky-co/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Anita, Holyoke | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/anita-holyoke/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Aubrey | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/aubrey/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Brenda – Iowa | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/brenda-iowa/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Caroline – CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/caroline-co/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Chiffany – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/chiffany-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Christine – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/christine-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Christy – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/christy-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Donna – CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/donna-co/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Donna – REZ Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/donna/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Faythe – SD | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/faythe-sd/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Fisher – Vail, CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/fisher-vail-co/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Hallie – CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/hallie-co/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Heidi, SD | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/heidi-sd/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Jami – DC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/jami-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Janet | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/janet/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Jeanna – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/jeanna-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Jessica – DC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/jessica-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Jessica – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/jessica-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Joy – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/joy-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Karen – WY | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/karen-wy/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Karmi – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/karmi-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Kevin – CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/kevin-co/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Kimberly – DC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/kimberly-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Kory – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/kory-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Kristen – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/kristen-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Kristen – MO-2 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/kristen-mo-22/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Kyleen – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/kyleen-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Lara – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/lara-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Lauren | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/lauren/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Lauren Schmelz | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/lauren-schmelz/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Leslie – WY | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/leslie-wy/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Lisa – DC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/lisa-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Lisa Hogue | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/lisa-hogue/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Lynn (parent) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/lynn-parent/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Maia – DC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/maia-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Mandy – Erie | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/mandy-erie/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Mary – Holyoke, CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/mary-holyoke-co/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Megan – DC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/megan-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Melissa – DC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/melissa-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Michelle – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/michelle-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Mindi – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/mindi-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Mindy – CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/mindy-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Mindy – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/mindy-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Rebecca – Day Camps Page | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/rebecca-day-camps-page/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Sarah – MO Homepage | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/sarah-mo-homepage/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Tammie – DC | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/tammie-dc/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Tara – MO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/tara-mo/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Tracy – Erie, CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/tracy-erie-co/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Tracy – Vail, CO | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/tracy-vail-co/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Tracy, Vail | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/tracy-vail/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Trudy | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/trudy-2/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
Trudy – Shock Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/testimonies/trudy/ | publish | elc_post_testimonies |
9-Square | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/9-square/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
And Many More! | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/and-many-more/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Angleball | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/angleball/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Archery | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/archery/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Arts & Crafts | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/arts-crafts/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Backcountry Camping | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/backcountry-camping/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Backpacking | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/backpacking/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Beach Time | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/beach-time/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Bible Study | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/bible-study/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Blobbing | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/blobbing/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Block Racers | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/block-racers/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Bouldering | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/bouldering/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Campfire | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/campfire/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Canoeing | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/canoeing/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Capture the Flag | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/capture-the-flag/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Click to see program description | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/click-see-program-description/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Climbing Wall | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/climbing-wall/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Crazy Night | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/crazy-night/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Dippy Club | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/dippy-club/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Eurobungy | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/eurobungy/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Extended Hike | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/extended-hike/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Extended Hike / Summit Attempt | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/extended-hike-summit-attempt/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Fishing | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/fishing/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Flight Simulator | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/flight-simulator/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Gagaball | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/gagaball/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Group Games | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/group-games/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
High / Low Ropes | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/high-low-ropes/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
High Ropes Course | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/high-ropes-course/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
High School Specific Bible Studies | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/high-school-specific-bible-studies/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Hiking | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/hiking/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Human Foosball | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/human-foosball/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Inflatables | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/inflatables/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Kayaking | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/kayaking/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Lake Kayaking | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/lake-kayaking/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Laser Tag | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/laser-tag/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Lego Derby | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/lego-derby/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Low Ropes Course | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/low-ropes-course/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Messy Games | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/messy-games/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Mountain Biking | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/mountain-biking/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Mountain Biking (on site) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/mountain-biking-on-site/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Nerf Battles | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/nerf-battles/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Obstacle Course Inflatable | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/obstacle-course-inflatable/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Rappelling | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/rappelling/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
RC Car Racing | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/rc-car-racing/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Relay Race (Maximus) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/maximus/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Riflery | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/riflery/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
River Rafting | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/river-rafting/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Rock Climbing | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/rock-climbing/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Rock Climbing (off-site) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/rock-climbing-off-site/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Rock Climbing (on site) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/rock-climbing-on-site/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Rock Wall | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/rockwall/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Slingshots | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/slingshots/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Slip n’ Slide Kickball | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/slip-n-slide-kickball/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Small Team Games | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/small-team-games/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Speakers & Worship | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/speakers-worship-2/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Speakers & Worship | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/speakers-worship/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Spider Mountain | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/spider-mountain/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Swimming | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/swimming/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Team Initiatives | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/team-initiatives/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Tie Dye | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/tie-dye/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Tunneling | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/tunneling/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Volleyball | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/volleyball/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Water Activities | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/water-activities/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Water Inflatables | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/summit-express/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Water Slide Inflatable | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/water-slide-inflatable/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Waterslide | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/waterslide/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Zipline | https://eaglelakecamps.com/activities/zipline/ | publish | elc_post_activities |
Adventure Experience 1 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/adventure-experience-1/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Adventure Experience 2 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/adventure-experience-2/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Adventure Experience 3 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/adventure-experience-3/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Adventure Experience 4 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/adventure-experience-4/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Adventure Experience 5 | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/adventure-experience-5/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Family Camp Typical Day (subject to change) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/family-camp-sample-schedule/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Parent / Teen Trek | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/parent-teen-trek/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day – Base Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day-rezident-camp/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day – Crew Hospitality | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day-crew-hospitality/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day – Crew Kitchen | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day-crew-kitchen/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day – Day Camps | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day – Day Camps – with After Care | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day-day-camps-care/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day – GE Day Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day-ge-day-camp/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day – GE Day Camp – Early start LifeSpring | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day-ge-day-camp-early-start-lifespring/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day – Shock Camp | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day-shock-camp/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day- Ascent (Ages 11-14) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day-ascent-ages-11-14/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Typical Day- Highlands (Ages 14-17) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/schedules/typical-day-highlands-ages-14-17/ | publish | elc_post_schedules |
Am I responsible for driving counselors everyday? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/responsible-driving-counselors-everyday/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Are parents invited to Final Chapel on Saturday, August 10th? SEP | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/are-parents-invited-to-final-chapel-on-saturday-august-10th-sep/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Are there age exceptions for campers? – Day Camp GE | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/age-exceptions-campers-day-camp-ge/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Are there age exceptions for campers? – Day Camp On Lo | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/age-exceptions-campers-day-camp-lo/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Are there age exceptions for campers? – Overnight | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/are-there-age-exceptions-for-campers/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I bring food to camp? – Day Camp GE | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-bring-food-camp-day-camp-ge/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I bring food to camp? – Day Camp On Lo | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-bring-food-camp-day-camp-lo/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I bring food to camp? – Overnight | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-i-bring-food-to-camp/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I bring medication to camp? – Day Camp GE | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-bring-medication-camp-day-camp-ge/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I bring medication to camp? – Day Camp On Lo | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-bring-medication-camp-day-camp-lo/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I bring medications to camp? – Overnight | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-i-bring-medications-to-camp/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I bring my own music or other media to camp? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-i-bring-my-own-music-or-other-media-to-camp/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I rent equipment for RMC? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-i-rent-equipment-for-rmc/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I rent equipment for the Excursion Camps? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-i-rent-equipment-for-the-excursion-camps/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I show counselors around our town? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-show-counselors-around-town/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can I visit Eagle Lake Camp before I register? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-i-visit-eagle-lake-camp-before-i-register/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Can my child be baptized at camp? SEP | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/can-my-child-be-baptized-at-camp-sep/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Do you have Lost & Found? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/do-you-have-lost-found/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Do you offer discounts and programs for groups? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/do-you-offer-discounts-and-programs-for-groups/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Do you offer discounts on camp rates? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/do-you-offer-discounts-on-camp-rates/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Do you offer financial aid for campers? – Day Camp On Lo | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/offer-financial-aid-campers-day-camp-lo/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Do you offer financial aid for campers? – OV & DC GE | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/do-you-offer-financial-aid-for-campers/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How can I charter or rent a camp for a large group? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/how-can-i-charter-or-rent-a-camp-for-a-large-group/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How can I contact a camper or counselor at camp? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/how-can-i-contact-a-camper-or-counselor-at-camp/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How can I contact a camper or counselor at camp? SEP | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/how-can-i-contact-a-camper-or-counselor-at-camp-sep/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How can I contact Eagle Lake’s full-time staff? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/how-can-i-contact-eagle-lakes-full-time-staff/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How can I get directions to Eagle Lake? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/how-can-i-get-directions-to-eagle-lake/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How do I add more money on to my child’s store account? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/add-money-childs-store-account/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How do I get to camp if I am flying or taking a bus to Colorado Springs? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/how-do-i-get-to-camp-if-i-am-flying-or-taking-a-bus-to-colorado-springs/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How do I get to camp if I am flying or taking a bus to Colorado Springs? SEP | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/how-do-i-get-to-camp-if-i-am-flying-or-taking-a-bus-to-colorado-springs-sep/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How do I register? – Day Camp On Lo | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/register-day-camp-lo/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
How do I request a roommate? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/how-do-i-request-a-roommate/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
If my camper attended Eagle Lake last year, do I need to submit a new health form? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/if-my-camper-attended-eagle-lake-last-year-do-i-need-to-submit-a-new-health-form/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Parent/Teen Trek | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/parent-teen-trek/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What are check in and check out times? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-are-check-in-and-check-out-times/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What are the camper/counselor ratios at camp? – Day Camp GE | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/campercounselor-ratios-camp-day-camp-ge/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What are the camper/counselor ratios at camp? – Day Camp On Lo | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/campercounselor-ratios-camp/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What are the camper/counselor ratios at camp? – Overnight | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-are-the-campercounselor-ratios-at-camp/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What do you do when it rains? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-do-you-do-when-it-rains/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What does a counselor’s schedule typically look like? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/counselors-schedule-typically-look-like/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What does your staff do during their time off? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/staff-time-off/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What forms do I need to fill out for camp? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-forms-do-i-need-to-fill-out-for-camp/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What have other churches done to promote camp? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/churches-done-promote-camp/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What if I get homesick? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-if-i-get-homesick/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What if I have a physical disability? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-if-i-have-a-physical-disability/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What if I have special dietary needs? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-if-i-have-special-dietary-needs/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What if I want my child to be in a group with their friend? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/want-child-group-friend/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What is Eagle Lake’s cancellation and refund policy? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-is-eagle-lakes-cancellation-and-refund-policy/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What is the maximum capacity for your camps? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-is-the-maximum-capacity-for-your-camps/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What is the weather usually like in Colorado? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-is-the-weather-usually-like-in-colorado/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What time is camper check-in? SEP | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-time-is-camper-check-in-sep/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
What time is pick up/checkout? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/what-time-is-pick-up/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
When is camper departure? SEP | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/when-is-camper-departure-sep/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
When should I arrive and expect to leave camp? – Day Camp GE | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/arrive-expect-leave-camp-day-camp-ge/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
When should I arrive and expect to leave camp? – Day Camp On Lo | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/arrive-expect-leave-camp-day-camp-lo/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
When should I arrive and expect to leave Camp? – Overnight | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/when-should-i-arrive-and-expect-to-leave-camp/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Where can I find out about camp closures and changes? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/where-can-i-find-out-about-camp-closures-and-changes/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Who’s in charge of this whole thing? | https://eaglelakecamps.com/faqs/whos-in-charge-of-this-whole-thing/ | publish | elc_post_faqs |
Admin Specialist (GE) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/ge-admin-assistant/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Bus Driver | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/bus-driver/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Cook | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/cook/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Crew Counselor | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/crew-counselor/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Day Camp at Glen Eyrie Counselor | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/day-camp-counselor/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Day Camp On Location Counselor | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/102-2/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Excursions Counselor | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/excursions-counselor/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Medical Staff | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/medical-staff/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Medical Staff (RN) | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/medical-staff-rn/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Nanny | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/nanny/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Photographer | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/photographer/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Rezident Counselor | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/rezident-counselor/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Safety and Security Leader | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/safety-and-security-leader/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Store Manager | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/store-manager/ | publish | elc_post_positions |
Videographer | https://eaglelakecamps.com/positions/videographer/ | publish | elc_post_positions |