God loves me, God loves me. This is real. This is not just something people talk about. God has real affection for his children. God has real affection for me.
The first time I stepped foot at Eagle Lake was in 2014 when I arrived to be a camper on the Crew program. As I was put into the camp environment, one built on community, loving each other and learning who God is, I began to grow. I began to discover through God’s Word who He is for the very first time. I remember reading Matthew 6:26, which says “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” I remember my counselor, Hannah, personally seeking me out and through her actions God showed me I was valuable. I was of enough value for Hannah to seek me out even though she didn’t know me and I was of enough value for God to seek me out although he knew every part of me. This was the first time a person had gone out of their way to walk towards me.
That summer I spent as a camper was crucial in introducing me to people that have a real passion for God, God’s word, and were innately enthusiastic about both. Outside of Eagle Lake I’ve met only on rare occasion people that show as much passion and enthusiasm for knowing and loving Christ, but I do know they are out there somewhere.
Since the summer of 2014 I have spent two years on staff with Eagle Lake Camps. This last summer was a big lesson on what it truly looks like and feels like to rely on God. A little over halfway through the summer, I hit my head and acquired a concussion. During this time, I was in charge of the work crew that runs the camp store, meeting with my campers, and leading Bible study. I wish I could tell you story after story of what happened the second half of the summer, but I don’t remember much of the one-on-one’s I had or what each day entailed. What I do remember is feeling incapable. I remember feeling incapable, being incapable, and relying on God. I remember God making me capable. This came after trying to do what I could normally do and it being less than what I desired.
I’ve come further in relying on God, but honestly I am still learning this lesson. I think I tend to just forget who God has shown himself to me to be. In those moments I become self-reliant again. It’s easy to get into the mindset of “I have to do all these things and be a certain kind of person.” I subject myself to my own thoughts instead of God’s truths. I want to do things well, but sometimes I get stuck in my head and start worrying about the things I need to do instead of doing them. I start thinking about my capabilities and incapability’s instead of giving them to my God who loves me fully and is fully trustworthy for me to rely on.
I am often reminded of the verse that follows Matthew 6:26: “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” I know that God is working and doing things in my life, but I maybe don’t trust that he’s always the one who will make them happen and I worry about how new things will come about or how I will get from point a to point b.
At camp this last summer I so deeply wanted the campers entrusted to me to feel love the way I felt loved and sought after when I was camper. I felt the Lord stop me daily and remind me that while He did bring me here to love these people, it is HIS love in me that makes campers feel loved and sought after.
This is true in my daily life. He is reminding me who He is even now. Telling me he has affection for his kids and continues to seek us out forever. Telling me He loves me, He loves me. Asking for me to rely on Him and trust Him. Telling me all my value is all from Him and through Him.
One other verse that has been a theme during my time at camp is Philippians 1:6: “And I am certain that God who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” As I walk through worries now, I cling to this verse knowing His work in me never stops. I am excited to be coming back to Eagle Lake this next summer confident of this promise.
Want your child to be a camper like Meghan was? Visit our 2019 Brochure to find the program they belong at!
Like this post and want more resources on where value comes from? Check out this article from Desiring God: “Reflections on the Concept of Self-Worth”
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